New Moon Water

New Moon Water

The new moon always gives us transformative energy, an opportunity to explore new beginnings. Moon water can help potentiate any intentions you set, and new moon water is especially valuable for starting anything new like a business or a new lifestyle change. It’s so simple to make, yet we often don’t have the time or we just forget to make some for ourselves.

Forget to make your moon water this cycle? No worries! We got you! For a suggested donation that will cover shipping, handling, and related expenses, we will send you a jar of moon water.

$8 small glass jar, up to 12oz 

$15 medium glass jar, up to 24oz

$20+ large glass jar, 32+oz

Can’t afford the suggested donation? No worries! Just let us know and we’ll make arrangements. You can even pick up your jar in person. Just send us a message, it’s by appointment only.

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